Seeds of Greatness by Peter H. Zindlers

Do you want to take your life to a new level? With Peter H. Zindler's book, Seeds of Greatness, you will find examples of how God has planted seeds in each and every one of us.

Don't be short changed in your life, open your heart and mind with the seeds that God gave you and let them grow inside yourself. You will learn there is nothing more gratifying than doing something out of pure kindness for someone else with out seek a reward. As you read "Seeds of Greatness," you will find yourself walking down a corridor of truth, this will take your life to a new level with the gift and abilities God planted in your mothers womb. Since conception, these seeds have been growing inside you. Many people go through life never realizing their true strenths. This book describes the greatness of God and the triump of the spirit.